Hey everyone… sorry for being away for such a long time. Its been more than one year since I wrote something… A lot happened in all this time, following passion, chasing dreams, discovering myself, being witness to my little one’s milestones, shifting houses and what not….

I started with full fledged baking too, recently, but more on that later… it’s a long story, perhaps for some another day!!

Not so long back, when I was still struggling to discover myself more, to know what exactly I am doing, what I am actually meant to do… I happened to meet a friend who practices tarot. Now, many people already have started judging me… I know!!! 😀

Anyway, she and I met, discussed our life updates and she told me that she has upgraded her tarot with a proper certification. Cool, so she had started when we were in college, and now she is still following her heart!!

I discussed with her my plans to explore more about my spiritual self too, and as always, she did nothing other than encouraging me. After that I set out on my spiritual journey, and as they say, everything happens for a reason. I enrolled for a tarot course too, something I had always wished to do, but never got the time, or the confidence.

Sometime, and few tests later, here am I a qualified tarot card reader. One step ahead, lot more to go!!!!

Love and peace




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